
Saturday, September 30, 2017

Fit Snack Box; September 2017

Afternoon!  You guys know me, it's been a go-go-go kind of a day. Up bright and early to get the laundry finished so Naomi's uniform was ready.  Then off to coach the soccer team.  Then grocery shopping for tailgating tonight.  Then gymnastics evaluations for Naomi.  Now I'm finally home an sitting for about an hour before I head out again.  Can I retire yet?  Well, this morning I was also able to squeeze in the September Fit Snack Box taste testing.  Naomi and Noah joined me and I have their opinions on some of the snacks to share with you as well.  As always, you can use my link HERE to save $3 on any sub-box purchase.  Ok, let's jump in and eat with our eyes.
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Fit Snack Box: WebsiteFacebookInstagramTwitter

Friday, September 29, 2017

Dreamland Lacquer Autumn 2017 Trio

Afternoon friends.  Hope your Friday is going great!  You lucky East Coasters are done for the day, woot woot.  I've still got to get my kids from school and coach a soccer practice, then I'm done too.  Somebody have a cold beer ready for me.  But right now, ooohhh right now I've got a gorgeous trio to share with you.  This is the Dreamland Lacquer Autumn Trio and it's full of sparkly and shifty flakie goodness.  The Autumn Trio will be available on 10/4 at 2pm Central.  It will be a 48 hour preorder.  Individual bottles will be $11 each during the preorder, then $11.50 after that.  The full set (including the Halloween trio - I'll have that up in a couple days) will be $60 with free shipping in the US and $6 International shipping using code INTL50.  So let's jump in and check out swatches.  

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Dreamland Lacquer: ShopFacebookFan GroupInstagram

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Zoya Sophisticates, Part 2

Evening again y'all!  Sorry for the night posts lately, it seems to be the only time I actually have to sit down and relax anymore.  Anywho, time got away from me and I forgot I had the other half of the gorgeous Zoya Sophisticates collection sitting there to be posted.  But the first day of Fall was just recent so there's still plenty of time to get these and wear them during the season!  Don't let too much time pass before you pick these up, my spidey senses are telling me the Winter collection will be coming any time now!  You can purchase the Sophisticates Collection polishes for $10 each.  If you forgot what the first half looks like you can see my post of them HERE.

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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Vapid Lacquer; Halloween Trio

Afternoon beauties!  Hope your hump day is going well (or went well).  I like to volunteer at the kids schools and today was my first time volunteering as lunch yard duty at the middle school.  I felt like such a dork wearing that neon vest walking around with my walkie talkie.  I saw lots of kids I know but none of them wanted anything to do with me - UGH how mortifying!, a parent I know!  Haha.  I even saw my son, well, the back of his head.  He must have eaten lunch faster than usual because it was legit only 3 minutes then he disappeared. I know he saw me and skedaddled out of the quad.  Anyways, it was hot out there.  I can't believe it's Fall because it doesn't feel like it.  I want to feel that chill in the air, especially as we roll up to Halloween.  But I guess if I can't have that crisp Autumn air I'll settle for an amazing Halloween trio.  

This brand new trio is from Vapid Lacquer and it will be available on 10/1 at 2pm Central.  These will be the only items stocked.  You will only be able to purchase full sized bottles and 1 of each color per person.  So let's jumping and check them out.

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Vapid Lacquer: ShopFacebookInstagram

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Girly Bits Cosmetics; Crystals Charity Lacquers - Fox Trot & Keep Calm, Terry On

Evening beauties!  I've got a pair of gorgeous polishes that help a good cause.  These are being sold in conjunction with @crystalscharitylacquers participation in the Terry Fox Run.  Terry Fox is a Canadian Icon who was diagnosed with bone cancer in 1977, when he was 18 years old.  Terry wanted to raise money to help children who were also fighting cancer and in 1980 did his first Marathon of Hope which entailed running across Canada.  Mind you he his own cancer took one of his legs, yet he preserved to help others by raising awareness and funds.  Sadly he lost his own battle on 9/1/81, he had gone 3,339 miles in 143 days.  He was only 22.  The Terry Fox Foundation was created to continue his desire to raise awareness and money for cancer research.  Crystal chose this charity because she is a cancer survivor and a proud member of Terry's Team.  I feel honored to share the charity polishes that Pam created to raise money for this organization.  You can learn more about the Terry Fox Foundation HERE and you can make a donation to Crystal's fundraising page HERE.  You can pre-order the charity polishes now.   

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Girly Bits: ShopHarlow & CoFacebookInstagramTwitter 

Monday, September 25, 2017

Stella Chroma; October Polish Pickup Exclusive - For Fawkes Sake

Afternoon all.  It's Monday so you know what that means.  I am at gymnastics watching my daughter be the cutest thing ever.  Anywho, I thought I'd go ahead and start sharing the October Polish Pickup shades I have and I thought I loved the September polishes, the October ones are AWESOME!  The theme for the month is Mythical Creatures so that should tell you all you need to know!  This polish is created by Stella Chroma and it's a fabulous red shade inspired by Fawkes from Harry Potter.  For Fawkes Sake and the other October PPU shades will be available from 10/6-10/9 and just like every sale prior, you only buy what you love!  For Fawkes Sake will be $12 a bottle.  Let's jump in and get into more details about For Fawkes Sake!

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Polish Pickup: ShopFacebook

Friday, September 22, 2017

Alter Ego; The Polish Con Chicago Exclusives - Da Bears & Hot Times in Old Town

Right back at'cha with another quickie post featuring more Polish Con Chicago exclusives!  Hope you're ready for more beauties!  Guys, reviewing these and thinking about how fun the conventions are is making me really sad to miss out.  I wish my life wasn't so busy because I would totally go to them all to catch up with friends.  Anywho, this post features the exclusives from Alter Ego.  Loving both of these because I know they will be unique amongst the many holo and multi chrome offerings.  If you are going tomorrow and haven't tried Alter Ego I highly suggest you swing by her booth and pick up a few of her beauties!  She's a sweetheart too so give her a hug for me.

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Alter Ego: ShopFacebookInstagram

KBShimmer; The Polish Con Chicago Exclusives - Bean There, Done That & The Age of Aquarium

Hey all!  Late night post!  Hope you're still up, I'm sure most of you are.  At least the ones heading in to Polish Con tomorrow!  So I'm going to throw my swatches in the ring, last minute, to help you make some very important decisions.  Those decisions are; BUY ALL THE POLISH!  I've got the 2 exclusives from KBShimmer to share and they are both amazing!  So let's not dilly dally and jump right in!  These will be available tomorrow at the Polish Con Chicago event.  I'm not sure if left overs will be available at a later date so keep watch on KB media for that info.
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KBShimmer: ShopHarlow & CoLive Love PolishColor4NailsAmazonFacebookInstagramTwitterPinterest

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Nail Hoot; Flakie Feathered Friends, Haunted Mansion & Matte Talons Topcoat

Good evening dears!  I've been playing hooky with my kids after school sports schedule the last few days and it's been exquisite to just sit around and do things at home.  We actually all rode our bikes around the neighborhood together and have been hanging out in the backyard.  So we are feeling happy right now.  I'm also relishing in the cooler weather.  I've been able to bust out my booties, wearing jeans and Mr. Rogers cardigans over outfits.  I'm also enjoying a wine cooler, so yeah...HAPPY!  While I'm waiting for my hubby to make me a pizza in our new pizza oven I'm going to share this brand new Nail Hoot collection with you.  The Flakie Feathered Friends is a fun collection of jelly polishes full of shimmer and flakies!  You can pick up the Flakie Feathered Friends tomorrow, 9/22 at 7pm Central.  This collection will be available individually, in sets and mini sets!  You will also be able to purchase the Haunted Mansion and Matte Talons topcoat.  So let's jump and in see the polish!

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Nail Hoot: ShopFacebookInstagram

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

KBShimmer; I Don't Want No Shrubs, My Nail Polish Obsession Collaboration

Evening beauties!  I'm super duper happy to share this with you!  Excuse the excessive exclamation marks! Ok ok ok.  I'm sure you've heard that KBShimmer is launching a Blogger Collaboration Collection soon.  Some have been shared already.  They're all really gorgeous and fun and the inspirations were cool.  I'm so lucky that I got to create one and I get to share mine with you right now. YAY!, here's the first look at I Don't Want No Shrubs!  The entire Blogger Collaboration collection will be debuting on 9/21 and will be available on 10/13.  The other awesome news is that this whole collection is 5-free!   So keep your eyes peeled for my post featuring the rest!  Let's jump in and see my pictures of I Don't Want No Shrubs.

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KBShimmer: ShopHarlow & CoLive Love PolishColor4NailsAmazonFacebookInstagramTwitterPinterest

Monday, September 18, 2017

Alter Ego; Holo Maniacs Custom - Princess Rose

Morning beauties!  Did you survive the weekend??  I barely did. Slumber party with 6 little girls all about 6 years old.  Then I feel like I wasn't even home on Sunday because I had so many soccer games!  So I used today to decompress and catch up on a few things.  Tonight I have a new Alter Ego to share with you!  This one is a custom for the Holo-Maniac group!  You have to me a member of the group to purchase this purple beauty.  Princess Rose will be available during the month of September.  Ok, let's jump in and check it out!

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Alter Ego: ShopFacebookInstagram
Holo-Maniacs: Facebook Group

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Vapid Lacquer Halloween Quartet

Hullo!  It's late. Or is it early?  The last 2 days have been a blur.  It's been go go go and right now I have 6 little girls in my living room from a slumber party and I'm not sure if any of us slept.  Thankfully my boys don't mind being shunned to their rooms for the night while the girls take over.  And at least I know they got sleep.  So I meant to get this post up yesterday, but like I said, it's been about 48 hours of non-stop mom life.  So if you're a night owl, let's talk about Vapid Lacquer!  So there are these Halloween polishes.  You may know them.  They are returning classics.  They are gorgeous!  Let's just jump in so you can appreciate them for their dark, broody beauty.  And then you can make a plan to pick up the Halloween Quartet later today (9/17) during the restock at 6pm CST!  
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Vapid Lacquer: Shop, Facebook, Instagram

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Fit Snack Box: August 2017

Afternoon all!  Gah, when is California going to cool down.  It's still 95+ and I don't want to run or walk or do anything much more than sit around in my air conditioned house.  Also I'm just chilling until it's time to go to Back to School night...yay!  Kids are excited and it's always fun to see what they are doing in class.  
So let's talk about the Fit Snack Box.  I've also had this post sitting in my que for a while and you know what that means, this particular box isn't available anymore. But you can pick up the September one now!  Anyways, the August box was full of tons of new-to-me products and several that I really enjoyed!  As usual, I will provide links to each brand.  And don't forget, you can save $3 off a box using my link HERE!  Let me know what products sounds good to you, which would you buy?  Or which have you tried?
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Fit Snack Box: WebsiteFacebookInstagramTwitter

Monday, September 11, 2017

Nail of the Day: Girly Bits, Darling Diva Polish, Polished for Days & CND Vinylux

Evening dears!  Popping in while I wait in the car for my kiddo to finish soccer practice.  I almost didn't take him because this afternoon a thunder and lightning storm acme on out of the blue!  My daughter and I saw about 5 lightening strikes just in a 10 minute period!  And the thunder was so loud!  Then it poured on us.  All the while it's 90 degrees out.  So yeah I wasn't sure I was going to take him, but the weather cleared up so here we are.  Anywho...I swatch so many reviews these days that I hardly ever wear polish for myself anymore.  I think I'm going to start collecting a few here and there to share my Nail of the Day posts.  Tonight I have 4 different polishes from 4 different brands to share with you!  So let's jump in and see what I wear on my days off from swatching!

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*nothing to disclose*

Sunday, September 10, 2017

KBShimmer; Unicorn Pee Collection

Hey guys!  Gonna make this a quick post for 2 reasons.  #1 I have a soccer game and need to leave like right now.  #2, this collection launched a few days ago and I was waiting on my package to arrive!  Well, it just arrived late in the day on Friday.  I switched these right away but have been on the go literally all weekend.  So I'm squeezing the post in now!  Unfortunately while I was waiting for my package to arrive the majority of these of these have sold out.  I'm not sure if they are coming back so let's all cross our fingers.  At this point you can still purchase Goal Digger for $12...they are all $12.  Sign up for notification when your favorite ones return and keep an eye on the KB Facebook page or any KB media outlet to find out if/when they get restocked.  Until then I'll throw my post into the ring.  Enjoy!
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KBShimmer: ShopHarlow & CoLive Love PolishColor4NailsAmazonFacebookInstagramTwitterPinterest

Friday, September 8, 2017

Girly Bits Cosmetics; Limited Edition September Colour of the Month Duo, Butterbeer Latte & Meteor Shower

Evening lovelies!  We made it though another week, second week of school, and my first night coaching soccer.  I also made it through tons of swatches and have loads to go.  I think Fall is going to be busy, busy, busy!  Tonight I wanted to get this post up for you because the deal is ending soon!  Girly Bits has the new Colour of the Month Duo out for September and they are a couple beauties!  Butterbeer Latte and Meteor Shower will be available until the end of September, but if you order by the 10th you can save $2 off the duo ($31 CAD). Individual prices are $16.50 CAD each.  Let's jump in and take a look at some nail polish!

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Girly Bits Cosmetics: ShopHarlow & CoFacebookInstagramTwitter  

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Zoya; Sophisticates, Part 1

Evening beauties!  I swear my weeks aren't getting any less busy with my kids in school.  Maybe it's just me playing catch up from the Summer months still, but I barely have any down time.  Hopefully next week will be easier and less busy.  I do have to say that I was really happy with the weather today.  It's been so hot here that even thought it was 80 it was  much needed break from the 100+ heat wave.  It felt so nice I decided it was the perfect day to get my first pumpkin spice latte.  Also a great day to share a beautiful Fall collection from Zoya.  I usually do the whole collection in one post but I decided to split it up in to 2 posts this time.  You can purchase the Sophisticates collection now for $10 each.  So let's delve in and see what shades Zoya has in store for us this season!

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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Essie + Preen.Me

Evening dolls!  Today I have a pretty big post for's the Essie + Preen.Me Collaboration.  I'm sure you are familiar with Essie (unless you live in a cave) but you may not be familiar with Preen.Me.  It's a beauty website that will help you find new looks!  What kind of looks you ask?  Nails, makeup, hair, skin care, clothing!  There are featured brands and tutorials on how to use products or achieve an specific look.  It's a great resource site to keep you up to date with the current trends.  Anywho, it's a great site and you should sign up for an account if you're interested in any of that stuffs.  But for now, let's check out the Essie shades that they sent me to review!  Feel free to drop a comment and let me know what you think of Preen.Me or which Essie is your favorite!

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Tuesday, September 5, 2017

LeChat Dare to Wear; Exposed Collection & Perfect Match Gel Exposed Giveaway

Morning all!  Tuesday means back to reality.  Bye bye 3 day weekend.  Hello homework and after school activities.  What I genuinely hope for this week is that the crazy weather is behind us.  It was 107 at points and it was smokey from local fires but then yesterday it flipping rained!  Mother Nature must be pmsing. I just want cool Fall weather now...waiting, waiting, waiting.  While I'm waiting let's look at a perfectly 'exposed' collection.  This is the new LeChat Exposed Collection and it's a great palette cleanser for between seasons!  6 shades that give your nails just a hint of color in the cleanest way for a super elegant look.  You can pick these up for $6.50 each.  LeChat also sent along the matching gel set and since I don't use gel I'm giving them away!  Ok then, let's jump in to the post!

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Monday, September 4, 2017

China Glaze; My Little Pony Collection

Good evening my pretties!  My day was super meh, I hope your extra day off was better.  I tried to plan a nice family fun day and it was poopy weather, actually rained on us, then was super hot.  Everyone was cranky and arguing.  When we were on our way home a motorcyclist split the lanes, HIT my side view mirror and shattered it.  He didn't stop, just threw up his arm like "sorry bro!".  UGH.  So now I'm not doing anything mom-ly while I pout and decided I was going to sign up for races and work on my blog.  So you win!  Tonight I have the China Glaze My Little Pony Collection. Such a cute theme and lots of great colors in this collection.  If you're a fan of either China Glaze, MLP or both then you might want to check these out!  I found them at my local beauty supply store, but I think they are also at Sally's and Ulta.  

*nothing to disclose*

Friday, September 1, 2017

Different Dimension: Someday We'll All Be Memories Too

You guys!  It's just too hot!  It hit 107 here today and it's going to be that way all weekend.  My oldest son has a soccer tournament in the Central Valley and it's supposed to be 114!  My husband and I decided that's just plain dangerous and we don't want to wish him getting heat stroke so we aren't going.  Sad because I don't want to leave the team with no goalie, but I care about my son's well being more.  Truthfully tho, I can't believe the tournament hasn't been canceled, shame on the organizers for putting all these young kids in such hazardous conditions.  Anyways, that's not why I'm here.  I'm here to share a gorgeous new collection from Different Dimension.  It's the Someday We'll All Be Memories Too collection and it's a prefect transitional collection! These 6 shades are available TODAY (9/1) and are $12 each.  Let's jump in and check them out!  

*press sample*

Different Dimension: ShopFacebookInstagram

Press Release: Zoya X Henri Bendel


We are excited to share that ZOYA has partnered with Henri Bendel to provide a custom LE Zoya gift box that will be used as a GWP with $150 purchase at 29 store locations across the US on September 9th from 1 – 4 pm. Stop in to get this limited-edition gift and enjoy bubbly (for 21+, of course) and sweet treats. Find your nearest location here.

If you’re in the NYC area, head over to their NYC flagship store (712 5th Avenue) on September 9th from 1 – 4 pm to swoop up this limited-edition gift and enjoy bubbly, sweet treats, plus complimentary ZOYA manis.
 Can’t make the event? That’s ok, there’s plenty to go around! Visit now through Monday, September 11th to snag your ZOYA gift with $150 purchase.

*Important: The awesome team at Henri Bendel has given two $150 gift certificates as well as several LE ZOYA sets for a contest that will be announced on social media next week. Once all details are formulated with the contest, we will notify you.


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Event Information: The Polish Convention, Chicago

The Polish Convention Returns To Chicago
Polish Con to be held September 23rd, 2017 at Navy Pier, Festival Hall in Chicago, IL

After a successful event in New York, The Polish Convention, an event celebrating and exclusively featuring indie nail polish brands, is returning to its hometown of Chicago, IL.  This bi-annual event hosted by Ever After Polish and Great Lakes Lacquer takes place September 23rd at Navy Pier, Festival Hall in Chicago, IL.  Navy Pier, Festival Hall is the largest locale for Polish Con so far, and will be filled with over 30 local and international vendors helping attendees celebrate their love for nail polish, and nail polish accessories through shopping, live demos, tutorial tables, and meet and greets with their favorite brand owners and creators.  
KBShimmer owner Christy Rose says “We are thrilled to be returning to Polish Con for our third time.  The new venue at Chicago's iconic Navy Pier is such beautiful location! This new and larger locale will allow attendees a more pleasurable shopping experience and the makers more opportunity to connect with fans.  KBShimmer is honored to be among so many quality Indie Polish brands and cannot wait to announce our unbelievable show specials and introduce our new mini collection celebrating one of America’s best cities, Chicago!”
Some of the over 30 brands that will be in attendance this year, along with the event organizers, are KBShimmer, Glisten & Glow, Cupcake Polish, Different Dimension, and Girly Bits.  For nail artists, bloggers, and indie polish lovers in the Chicago area this is the perfect opportunity to meet the creators behind your favorite indie brands, socialize with other nail enthusiasts in the community, and learn new nail art techniques through live demos and tutorials.   Shop the latest trendy nail polishes including chrome, holographic, unicorn and mermaid flakes, thermal, glitter and many more unique colors and styles from the wide array of vendors.  You will also find nail and hand care items and nail art tools.
Jill Rehm-Craine, owner of Glisten & Glow says “Building interpersonal relationships with old and new indie polish fanatics is the highlight of the event for us! Polish Con showcases indie polish from all over the globe in one place for one day- what an incredible experience.  Attendees getting to see in person polishes they have loved online, friendships being formed, and squeals of delight when showing off their manicures are my favorite sights and sounds of the day!   We are excited to showcase new Chicago themed collections and offer fabulous deals on award winning products.  It's an experience of a lifetime! Near, far wherever you are Polish Con - Chicago is the must go to Nail Polish event of the season!"

"Polish Con is one of my favorite events of the year- it's a chance to connect with our customer base, preview all of the new polishes and offer amazing show specials.  There are few opportunities to meet up with a large group of people who share the same passion and Polish Con is just that.  Seeing online friends meet in person for the first time, seeing young women passionate about this industry, and seeing the joy on everyone's faces throughout the day is what makes these events so rewarding for me as a vendor."  Says Cupcake Polish owner Sara Casey.

Missi Barry, the owner of Different Dimension says "I love the tutorial tables and demo tables where attendees get to learn many new nail art techniques demonstrated live and then have the ability to try the techniques themselves! You can learn how to do nail polish gradients, watermarble, free hand nail art, apply nail vinyls, make nail decals, and even learn how to stamp like a pro!  Polish Con is not only a shopping event, but a learning experience.  Such a unique and memorable event for all nail polish lovers."

Third time vendor Pam Heil, owner of Girly Bits says, "We look forward to chatting with customers and friends and reconnecting with those we have had the pleasure of meeting at previous events.  We are giddy with anticipation of being surrounded by polish and polish fanatics like ourselves. I can't wait to share our newest releases and exclusive show specials.  Polish Con is the perfect opportunity to try out new brands we've had our eyes on as well.  This year, we are excited to share an exclusive ‘After Polish Con Coupon’ created in collaboration with other vendors for all Polish Con attendees."

The Polish Con tickets for the September 23rd event at Chicago’s Navy Pier, Festival Hall are on sale now through September 22nd, 2017 at  Search for Polish Con or use the link below.  The event is open to the general public from 3pm CST until 6pm CST and tickets include a Polish Con shopping bag and event brochure with vendor discounts and an after the show exclusive coupon.  Early access tickets are also available.  

Navy Pier, Festival Hall.  600 E Grand Ave Chicago, IL 60611

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Press Release: KBShimmer "Unicorn Pee" Collection

KBShimmer Launches 4 Shimmering Shades
“Unicorn Pee” Polishes Available 09/04/2017

Mystical, Magical, long sought after, KBShimmer’s newest collection consists of 4 shades all filled with a pigment dubbed Unicorn Pee in the nail polish community.   This stunning pigment is a shimmer that glows a fiery copper red color, shifting based on viewing angles, to orange, green and gold.  KBShimmer owner, Christy Rose says “Let’s Slang is our most requested polish since its limited release at Polish Con Chicago in 2016.  Made with a discontinued pigment, we thought we would not be able to bring it back.  Luckily, we were able to obtain some of this discontinued pigment, so Let’s Slang returns along with 3 shifty other shades.  This pigment is magic on your fingers, and with the pigment being so rare, this is a must have collection!”

Let’s Slang – Let’s Slang is a deep midnight blue, boarding on blurple, jelly base with color shifting shimmer. 

Goal Digger – Goal Digger is a deepened teal leaning green with color shifting shimmer. This polish layers well over your favorite cream, in 2 coats has a vibrant teal color, and in 3 coats it takes on a deep forest green shade

So Jelly – So Jelly is a deepened fuchsia leaning purple jelly with color shifting shimmer. This polish layers well over your favorite cream, in 2 coats has a vibrant pink ruby color, and in 3 coats it takes on a deep garnet shade.

You Dew You – Dubbed Unicorn Pee in the nail polish community, this stunning this polish has a shimmer that glows a fiery copper red color, shifting based on view angles, to orange, green and gold. You Dew You contains this magical pigment in a clear base, for layering over your favorite cream colors.  Try it over Low And Be Bold or Eclipse for a unicorn worth manicure.  

KBShimmer’s Unicorn Pee collection will retail for $12.00 each and be available 09/04/17 at, and select salons & retailers. 

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