
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

KBShimmer March Polish Pick Up Exclusive: If You Want My Bodice

Morning lovelies!  This week has been so hectic I'm trying to stay afloat but feel as if I'm getting more and more behind.  The good news is after today the practices die down to just 1 kid out of 3 having to be places so that makes life a bit easier.  It's been cold and raining here again with a forecast of rain this weekend, boo!  I think that storm in Arizona followed us here.  One thing that is good about the weekend is that the Polish Pickup will be OPEN!  Is your wish list ready?  If not let me throw one more in the ring for you...KBShimmer If You Want My Bodice.  Inspired by those lusty and heavy breathing romance novels, don't lie, you know you read them.  I know I do!  Anywho, you can pick up If You Want My Bodice from 3/2 - 3/2 for $10.  Let's check it out!

*press sample*

Polish Pickup: ShopFacebook

Monday, February 26, 2018

Alter Ego Respite Bath Crumbs

Afternoon/evening friends!  Sad Panda that it's Monday but I got most of my things done today and then some.  My house is still in disarray from the RV unloading and finding places for all the goodies we brought home.  Other than that I threw myself back into reviews and swatches so get ready for lots more to come!  Today I have a nice bath product from Alter Ego.  I'm not sure if you know, but Cynthia makes plenty of products aside from polish.  Fragrances, lip balm, bath bombs, soap and even soap for dogs!  I've always been a fan of the lightly scented products and was excited to try this one.  You can pick up Respite Bath Crumbs during the March Polish Pickup from 3/2 - 3/5 for $7.50 or anytime in the Alter Ego shop!  Don't forget Alter Ego has a beautiful polish for the PPU this month as well, check out the post HERE.  Let's jump in and check it out!

*press sample*

Alter Ego: ShopFacebookInstagram  
Polish Pickup: ShopFacebook

Friday, February 23, 2018

ellagee March Polish Pick Up Exclusive: Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum & "Book" Zippered Bag

Evening dears!  Yay for Friday but boo that my road trip is almost over.  It snowed in Sedona almost the whole day and we felt we'd seen all we could see so we packed it up and headed out to Vegas.  More for the fear of getting snowed in in Arizona but now we're just chasing the snow and I'll be honest, it's a little unnerving to be in an RV while it's snowing out.  We've passed 4 spin outs/crashes in the past 20 minutes.  So fingers crossed we make it out of this snow soon (this is my mom nervous voice and my California girl I don't like snow voice talking).  Anywho, trying to preoccupy myself and thought I'd share another polish that'll be available next weekend during the March Book themed Polish Pickup!  ellagee chose The Handmaid's Tale and created a gorgeous polish to reflect it.  I read this book years and years ago so I only remember the jist of it, but no little details. You'll be able to pick up Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum from 3/2 - 3/5 for $12.  There will be no cap.  ellagee will also have a bool/library patterned zippered bag available also, it is also $12 with no cap.  Let's jump in and check out the goods.  

*press sample*

Polish Pickup: ShopFacebook

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Alter Ego March Polish Pickup Exclusive: Midsummer Night's Dream

Good morning again and happy Wednesday!  This week is going by too fast, I wish I could slow it down.  But then we would have to wait longer for the ever-so-popular Polish Pick Up shop opening!  I have another gorgeous polish that will be available with the March selections next weekend.  As ou probably know by now, the theme is Books. This one is from Alter Ego and it was inspired by A Midsummer Night's Dream.  The polish is called by the same name and is a real stunner.  You'll be able to pick up Alter Ego Midsummer Night's Dream  from 3/2 - 3/5 for $7.50.  Let's jump in to the post.  

*press sample*

Polish Pickup: ShopFacebook
Alter Ego: ShopFacebookInstagram  

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Stella Chroma March Polish Pickup Exclusive: Let Me Show You

Morning morning!  I'm drinking a cup o' Bio Coffee and looking out the window of the RV at the mountains.  We're "camping" out near Palm Springs and I swear it's such a throw back kind of a place.  I feel like I'm in 1960!  Today we are going up the Aeral Tram to do some hiking and check out the views.  But before I get the crew up and ready to go I am going for a super short run around the RV site and sharing this post!  I can't believe February is going to a close, but that means it's time for the March PPU swatches to start rolling in!  The theme is Books and so far the previews I've seen are AH-MAY-ZING!  Stella Chroma, who is known for her love of all things Harry Potter and having several polishes inspired by the books and movies, chose Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.  This polish is a total stunner, I have it shown with both glossy and topcoat in my post.  You'll be able to pick up Let Me Show You from 3/2 - 3/5 for $12.  There is no cap.  Stella Chroma will also be offering a butter beer scented emulsified sugar know how amazing these scrubs are and if you've ever been to Universal Studios you know how delicious the Butterbeer drinks are so don't skip out on this product!  2.5oz for $5.50.  OK!  Let's jump in!!

*press sample*

Polish Pickup: ShopFacebook

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Bee's Knees: Miscellaneous Polishes

Hey hey hey! It's Sunday, normally I'd be kind of bummed out because back to the Taxi Mom grind tomorrow but not this Sunday!  Kids have a week off and we rented an RV to go road tripping!  So far we've been on the road for 6 hours and have made 3 stops and are no where near the destination, HAHAHAHA!  <-- that was me with a crazy mom laugh.  So the RV has this cool laptop tray thingy at the front passenger seat so I figured, why not jump online and bust out a blog post! 

Not so long ago I was swooning hard over some Bee's Knees polishes.  This was a new-to-me brand and also a new on the scene brand thats been pretty much exploding with popularity.  Well, mama had to try and boy is mama glad she did.  Bee's Knees prototypes are $8 and the rest range from $10 to $12.  1 of the 3  polishes in this post are currently available in the let's get to it!

*nothing to disclose*

Bee's Knees: Shop, Girly BitsFacebook, Instagram

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Fit Snack Box; January 2018

Morning friends!  Ok, I'm going to be honest, I am nervous for today.  I'm racing.  It's not a long race, it's only a 1 mile dash.  But I'll be racing in my underwear.  It's a charity event and it's in San Francisco so how bad can it be?  Hoping I can suck in my mom-belly for a mile and still finish with a fast pace.  This is going to be interesting.  Buuuut that's not why I'm here!  I wanted to share another Fit Snack Box post featuring some yummy, healthy snack options that are available to you!  This was the January box but the February box is out now and you can get it with a $3 discount using my link HERE!  Let's see these delicious snacks!

*press sample*

Fit Snack Box: WebsiteFacebookInstagramTwitter

Friday, February 16, 2018

Girly Bits Cosmetics; Limited Edition February Colour of the Month Duo - You Look Mauvelous & Dark Reflection

Evening dolls!  It's Fri-Yay!  We made it to the weekend!!  Do you have any fun plans?  I'm just running a super short race and packing up for a trip, but it should be a fun day tomorrow.  Tonight I'm back on the ol' blog and chain to show you the super fabuloso Girly Bits Colour of the Month Duo for February.  2 beautiful shades full of lots of little extras, enough to make anyones heart skip a beat.  One is perfect for Spring, the other is going to make some dead sexy date night nails!  You can pick up this Limited Edition duo until March 1st for $16.50 CAD each.  Girly Bits polishes are 5-FREE, vegan and cruelty free. Let's jump in and check them out!

*press sample*

Girly Bits: ShopHarlow & CoFacebookInstagramTwitter 

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Fit Snack Box; December 2017

Hey guys!  Just got back from a family dinner outing so excuse the late night post.  But even more, excuse the total lateness of this one!  Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with my kids and life that the old blog takes a total back seat and while I have been tossing up posts here and there I've been pretty bad about being on top of it since last Thanksgiving.  The good thing is that you can easily order any of these items directly or you can just sign up for the Feb or March Fit Snack Box and see what kind of delicious surprises await you!  You can save $3 using my link HERE.  I had my kids help me rate these snacks; Noah is 11, Julian is 9 and Naomi is 6.  So let's jump in and see what the December Fit Snack Box had for the subscribers!

*press sample*

Fit Snack Box: WebsiteFacebookInstagramTwitter

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Stella Chroma February Fantasmic Flakies Exclusive; Reflections

Evening dolls and Happy Valentines Day!  Hope you had a lovely day with your sweetie or bestie or kids or whoever you chose to spend the day with.  My hubby brought me home a gorgeous bouquet and a ridiculous pair of leggings with his face all over them.  But that's not why we're here...we're here for nail polish and beauty and that stuff!  So tonight I have this gorgeous polish thats a Fantasmic Flakies FB group exclusive.  This was created by Stella Chroma and inspired by a picture of an amazing wintry scene.  You will only be able to purchase this if you are a member of the Fantasmic Flakies group.  Reflections will be available until the end of February for $12.  Let's check it out!

*press sample*

Fantasmic Flakies: FB Group

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Stella Chroma February Polish Pickup Exclusive: Chocolate Orange Emulsified Sugar Scrub

Evening all!  Did you watch the Super Bowl?  I didn't care which way it went and found it quite a snooze fest (yes, even the half time show) but I will admit that last minute was pretty exciting.  Anywho, I do know that Brady got a slice of humble pie.  But I'd rather have a slice of a chocolate orange!  But since that wasn't one of the snacks on my table I'll settle for this emulsified sugar scrub that was inspired by the candy.  Stella Chroma does a great job with her scrub scents, they are never overpowering and are always pleasant scents.  This one was a really yummy scent actually, I wanted to lick it.  You can only purchase a 2.5oz jar of the Chocolate Orange sugar scrub through the Polish Pickup and it's available for one more day (2/5).  Let's jump in to the post!

*press sample*

Polish Pickup: ShopFacebook