
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Rainbow Honey: The Yokai

I'm so excited to share this collection with you!!  It's a Halloween collection that is very original and different from what you have been seeing in the past few weeks.  The Yokai was publicly announced on October 5th and will be available for sale on October 13th.  You can purchase the limited collection at the Rainbow Honey online store and keep up with news regarding this and other collection on the Rainbow Honey Facebook page.  

After consulting Wikipedia I found out Yokai means: ghost, phantom, strange apparition, a class of supernatural monsters in Japanese Folklore.  The Yokai consists of 3 monsters: Kawako - the mischievous child, Kitsune - the magical white fox and Oni - the malevolent wild demon.  Let's just delve in to pictures shall we?

Up first is Kawako - the mischievous river child.  Kawako is a midnight blue base with silver glitter and purple flakies.  It absolutely evokes thoughts of a deep, dark, rushing river.  I used 2 coats of Kawako for complete coverage.  I found Kawako to slightly thick but not unmanageable.  I used a coat of Gelous to smooth out the glittery texture and was very happy to see how glossy and smooth this mani turned out.  

Nest, Kistune - the magical white fox.  Kitsune is a very unique polish.  I have nothing even remotely resembling it in my collection (or anything that I have seen online for that matter).  Kitsune is a beige based polish with gold, holo and red-orange small hex glitters.  There are also gold micro glitters in there.  At times Kitsune appears more yellow, others it appears to be peachy.  Again, I used 2 coats to get full coverage.  I found Kitsune quite thick - even more so than Kawako.  This is topped off with a coat of Gelous to smooth out the glitter.  **I accidentally nudged my middle finger nail near the cuticle and didn't notice until I began this post.  This is all user error and nothing to do with the polish**

And finally, Oni - the malevolent wild demon.  This was my absolute favorite of The Yokai collection. Oni is a black based nail polish with antique gold, bronze, silver and a smattering of purple micro-glitter.  The colors work so wonderfully together to create a deep sooty looking polish that really glows in the sun.  Perhaps the dark color is the reference to the demon here?  I used 2 coats for full coverage.  Application on Oni was by far the easiest and best in my opinion.  It wasn't thick or glitter-gritty looking like Kitsune or Kawako were prior to an application of Gelous.  I still used Gelous though to show all the polishes done with the same application method.  I really think Gelous gave Oni a glassy appearance.  

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