
Friday, April 19, 2013

Lynnderella VamPink

I'm going to tell you a little story.  It's about a polish hoarding girl that went on a Lynnderella haul spree after Christmas time.  She bought just about every Lynn that she saw on sale in the sales groups and on blog sales.  Her Lynnderella stash grew by leaps and bounds and she rejoiced.  Now that girl is trying to wear all those lovely polishes so they don't feel unloved.  This is a true story and I know because that girl is me.  Haha.  VamPink is one of the polishes I picked up during my December/January shopping frenzy.  Why I waited so long to wear it I will never know.  I already knew it was a gorgeous polish!  But sometimes it's easy to get bogged down with all the incoming stuff and newer polishes arrive, thus pushing others to the back of the drawer.  Go through your stashes nail polish lovers!  Try those unloved beauties!  Dust 'em off and get 'em on your nails!  

The pictures below show 2 coats of VamPink over 3 coats of L.A. Girl Dazzling Pink.  The holo glitters in VamPink are amazing!  The mix of colors (black, pink, fuchsia) along with the holo is really spot on!  Application was great, tons of glitter came out with each brush dip and it all spread nicely on my nails.  But VamPink is very hungry so use a couple layers of topcoat or Gelous and topcoat.  I used 2 layers of topcoat.  

You can purchase Lynnderella polish at

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  1. I must try mine too! Looks lovely on you

    1. Yes try it Lacquer Land! It's beautiful! And thank you. :)

  2. Well you know I love Vampink and I love when I find new bases for glitters! WOOT. I did it over....drawing a blank. This is going to annoy me now. But I put it on my toes and it was AWESOME.
