
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Rainbow Honey FAB Summer Set (picture heavy)

I received the Rainbow Honey FAB Summer Set recently and I loves it!  The FAB set consists of 3 polishes; Tenda, Schrammi and Cuesta del Sol.  All the colors pop with just the right amount of notice-me-brightness for summer.  The FAB set is currently available on, but only for a limited time. The set contains all 3 polishes, 15ml each, $25.  If you like this set I suggest you hurry and snag one because they are limited supply!  You can also find out more about Rainbow Honey by following them on Facebook, Instagram (rainbowhoney) and Twitter.  There are also other Rainbow Honey polishes for sale at

Let's start with Tenda, shall we?  Tenda is a lovely kelly green that is actually quite bright and refreshing!  The gold shimmer plays nicely with the base color for a very rich, but fun look.  The formula on Tenda was a tad on the thick side, but not unmanageable.  And other than that everything else was perfect.  i used 2 coats of Tenda and 1 layer of topcoat. 

Here is Tenda topped with Cuesta del Sol.  CdS is a holo gold glitter topper.  You will be able to wear this versatile polish over everything and it will look amazing!  CdS is so blingy that many of my pics will show glinting pieces of glitter.  CdS had a really great formula.  The glitter was suspended nicely and came out easily with no digging.  I used 2 coats of CdS lightly dabbed on all nails near the cuticle.  I used 2 coats on the accent nail.  It spread well on my nails and laid flat.  1 layer of topcoat left my nails smooth and shiny.  

(had to share this picture because HELLO look at that bling!)

This is Schrammi.  Schrammi is my favorite out of the 2 solid color polishes.    it's simply described as "a deep coral lacquer with golden shimmer."  Something about the the coral - gold shimmer mix really stands out to me.  The gold shimmer was actually more prominent in this polish than in Tenda.  Schrammi also had an amazing formula.  No issues to discuss, just perfectly creamy and spreadable polish.  I used 2 coats with 1 layer of topcoat.   If I didn't say it already I really loved this color….it's very "Jen."

And lastly, here is Cuesta del Sol over Shcrammi.  As I'd mentioned before, CdS is a holo gold glitter topper.  I don't believe it would build up to opacity on it's own.  It will need to be layered.  I used the same method as I did with I paired CdS with Tenda….sponged the glitter at the tops of my nails and fully covered my accent nail with 2 coats.  I covered all the glitter with 1 layer of topcoat and my nails were smooth and shiny.  I love this combination!  

*these polishes were sent for my honest opinion and review

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  1. These are great! I just ordered this set and am excited to try it myself!

    1. You'll love them Kristin! They are my favorite RH set yet!!

  2. I love the green! It reminds me of Essie First Timer...minus the shimmer. It's beautiful!

    1. Yes, the green is gorgeous Essie Rae! I love all 3 in this set!
