
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Naomi Gets a Helmer

This was too cute not to share.  Naomi loves to play in my helmer.  She's always shuffling around in my drawers pulling out polish to oooh and aaah over.  Shockingly she hasn't broken any (I sheepishly take the blame for the handful that have broken in the last year). Well her little stash has grown by leaps and bounds and it was time to got her a better storage system.  The hand me down Clinique makeup bag wasn't cutting it anymore.  So I took her to Rite Aid and found a plastic "helmer."  2 drawers and a top lid that flips open.  

We filled the bottom drawer with all the mini polish bottles I've accumulated, mostly indies.  The top drawer is full of little girl brands that you find in drug stores, candy shops, etc: Bonne Bell, Hello Kitty, Crayola, Peeps, etc...  And the flip top lid has nail stickers, soy based polish remover, her new SOPI Cinderella set (which I forgot to put in for the pictures) and some chapstick.  She is very happy to have a place for her polish and to play around with her own polish now.    

Flip top lid

Top drawer

Bottom drawer 

Showing me how her drawers open

Assessing her stash

Giving a couple bottles a good shake

Happy little polish girl

Happy "helmer" owner


  1. How adorable! She looks like she was having quite a good time too. :)

  2. Naomi is so damn adorable! I love those last two pictures! ♥

  3. She is just too adorable! I want to squeeze her! And yay for another polish addict!

    1. Thanks Ash! I wasted no time creating a new addict. Though it may have ventured into polish-monster territory already.

  4. This is so cute I can't stand it! That's quite a stash for such a little girl, many adults would be envious <3

    1. :) Well, the bottom drawer is really mommy's stash - I'm just sharing it with her, LOL! Aren't I so nice?

  5. Love it! I won't give my 5 yer old her own. I think the fact that I even buy colors I don't like for her makes her happy. Plus, I can't have any more polish. I don't have space and don't want more space to fill

    1. I'm all out of room over here too Rebecca...I actually needed the tiny little space that the minis were in so I decided they needed a mini helmer to house them and it just turned into this fun outing/project for us together.

  6. She is sooo cute and this is a great idea! <3
