
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Smitten Polish Spring 2014 Collection

Hello!  I am happy to share a new collection with you today.   The beautiful polishes in this post are the first part of the Smitten Polish Spring 2014 lineup!  I don't know an exact date but they will be released sometime late-March.  Sign up for the Smitten newsletter, keep an eye out and be ready!  For now let's just swoon over some pictures of these amazingly gorgeous polishes!  


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Up first is Audrey's Rainbow, my favorite of this group (but let me tell you it's pretty dang close to a 4-way tie).  When Noelie first previewed this color I stopped in my tracks and became slightly obsessed.  Audrey's Rainbow is the most perfect in between blue and green shade ever.  It's minty and soft and feminine and reminiscent of that little blue box every girl wants to receive for the holidays.  Audrey's Rainbow had a perfect and creamy formula that was a dream to apply.  I used 3 thin coats and no topcoat.  

Next up is the beautiful periwinkle holo  Ker-Bloom.  This soft, yet bright color is amazing.  It's just so perfect for the Spring time (and any other time for that matter).  The formula and application were on par with any other Smitten holo that I've tried, fabulous formula, amazing application and gorgeous color pay off.  I used 3 thin coats of Ker-Bloom and no topcoat.  

Alright now, hold on to your socks!  This is Not Your Mama' Easter Grass (aka NYMEG)!  LOVE!  It's a neon lime green micro glitter in a matching jelly base.  It's basically a glitter sibling to Electric Lime, but brighter in color if you can imagine that!  NYMEG is definitely a must for glitter lovers, neon lovers and green lovers.  NYMEG has some serious sparkle and in your face color.  The formula and application of NYMEG were both perfect.  I used 3 thin coats and 1 layer of topcoat.

And finally we've come to Glacial Springs.  Glacial Springs is a stunning bright teal color full of green and cobalt microglitters.  I tried my hardest to capture the true color of this beauty but all my pictures came out leaning more blue than the actual teal color.  But aside from the difficulties capturing the correct color, the formula and application were both wonderful.  Glacial Springs, much like NYMEG is a super bright and sparkly micro glitter in a matching jelly colored base.  I used 3 thin coats of Glacial Springs and 1 layer of topcoat.  *on a side note, Glacial Springs did stain a bit so use a double layer of a good base coat*   

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