
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Lacquer Legion: Garden

Good afternoon!  It's a hot one out today and I am pretty much dead from an intense workout this morning, but I found the energy to do a mani for The Lacquer Legion theme Garden.  I actually had a much harder time with this than last months theme Glam.  I mean yes garden; flowers, bugs, trees, gnomes, fairies.  The possibilities are endless.  But I couldn't figure out what to do.  Then I shared a mani I have coming up in one of my nail groups and everyone really supported my attempt at stamping so I decided what better time to go all out and try an entire stamped mani?!  So here's what I came up with.  I went with a tropical flower stamp, Pueen 72 plate.  It reminded me of the gorgeous flowers in Hawaii and I so wish I were there right now.  Then I used all of my beautiful Color Club Halo Hues and mixed them about on the image plate for some very colorful, rainbow like flowers.  It gave me a very warm weather, fragrant air, vacation vibe.  I hope you like how it turned out (remember this is my first time doing an entire mani with stamping) because I am totally digging it!

Here's the list of polish I used:
Bettina - Marshmallow (3 coats)
Color Club - Halo-Graphic, Blue Heaven, Cosmic Fate, Miss Bliss, Kismet, Angel Kiss, and Eternal Beauty.    

You can see more great Garden posts by following the Lacquer Legion Facebook and Instagram pages.  You can also find info for upcoming themes and the proper hashtags to use.  Check out #llgarden today to see how other bloggers interpreted the garden theme!

The Lacquer Legion: Facebook, Instagram

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  1. That's such a pretty stamping you did. I love that you took the pictures outside in a garden too.

  2. I love this! It's gorgeous but also very subtle at the same time.

  3. This is gorgeous Jennifer. You totally nailed it!
    Seriously awesome. I love the effect of the holo stamping over the white base.
