
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Orly One Night Stand

Good morning.  It's not really that good for me.  I am licking my wounds from soccer last night.  More mental than physical because dang my team just can't catch a break out on the field some nights.  Oh well, it's behind me now and a new season starts in a few weeks.  At least my team has a good base of core players to work with.  Speaking of base, I have a base coat to share with you today!    Orly came out with a peel off base coat to make glitter polish removal easy!  Color me excited!  I actually haven't tried anything like this yet, not even the Elmer's glue trick so I was looking forward to seeing how One Night Stand worked.  Well...It. Was. AWESOME!  One Night Stand is available online now for $10 and I highly suggest you get it, it will make your glitter loving life so much easier.  

*press sample*

So this is One Night Stand.  It's thick-ish, gluey white nail polish base coat that you brush on your nails.  When I first opened the bottle it was very clumpy and a lot came out.  I closed it up and gave it a good shake and that helped thin and even out the base coat so it was more like nail polish.  One Night Stand specifically says "for easy glitter removal" but it would be great for a swatch session, or as a base for darker colors that could cause staining.  

Orly One Night Stand

Orly One Night Stand

For the record I am not a fan of the bottle/brush macro shots but I wanted to show you that One Night Stand does indeed look a bit like glue.  But it does apply easily just like a polish.  

Orly One Night Stand

Here I have on one (two on my index just to show you what it looks like) coats of One Night Stand.  You can see that on my index nail the base coat is still wet and very white.  On the other nails One Night Stand is already almost completely dry and looks like a ridge filling base coat.  It wouldn't make much or any difference to a polish color.  

Orly One Night Stand

So about 5 minutes passed and now my nails are dry.  You definitely don't need more than one coat, which is what's on my middle and ring finger nails.  Heck, it even says so on the back of the box - "use one thin coat."  On my index I have two coats of One Night Stand and you can see it dried white.  

Orly One Night Stand

Now for the test!  I have on a silvery holo glitter polish to peel off.  You can use a cuticle stick or your nail to lift up an edge.  

Orly One Night Stand

My index was the one with two-coats of One Night Stand.  You can see that two coats was a bit too thick so it wasn't completely dry as I had thought.  It took two peels to get the polish off.  

Orly One Night Stand

My middle nail had one coat of One Night Stand and look how easily the entire sheet of polish peeled right off!  It's a strangely satisfying feeling to peel (and not chip) polish off.  

Orly One Night Stand

TA-DA!  Look at those clean nails!  I am looking forward to easy glitter removal from here on out!  Of course I am interested in how long One Night Stand lasts as a base coat so I will do a wear test with it very soon and let you know how that worked out.  

Orly One Night Stand

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