
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Zoya Island Fun, Summer 2015

Good afternoon lovelies!  I'm about to head out for a run, hoping to get in longer than 3 miles today.  But my middle little wants to go with me so he'll be riding his electric Razor scooter.  I think the charge doesn't last that long so we'll see how many miles I can get in before we have to turn around.  Anyhoodle, I wanted to quickly share some of the Summer Zoyas with you.  I know these have been out for a while now and plenty of bloggers shared them already, but it's technically still Summer and I figured it might be nice to spread out the shares over the entire length of the season rather than bombard you with another post that you've already seen.  So here's the Island Fun collection, a set of 6 creme finish polishes in great colors.  Island Fun is available now and each bottle is $9 USD.  If you haven't picked any up yet you probably want a few, the formula alone makes them worth it and several of the colors will easily be wearable in the Fall.  So here we go...Island Fun!

*press sample*

Up first is Serenity.  This is a gorgeous purple with a perfect formula.  Very creamy and opaque.  I love how shiny the Zoya cremes are, they don't even need topcoat and they look fantastic.  I used 2 coats of Serenity for full coverage and no topcoat.  

Zoya Serenity

Zoya Serenity

Zoya Serenity

Zoya Serenity

Jace, a tropical green creme is very on trend with this season's fashion.  I'm sure you've noticed all the palm trees/fronds that are on clothing and jewelry right now and this polish will accompany those items perfectly.  I'm a fan of the trend so I really fell in love with Jace.  I found Jace to be a bit thin with the first layer but it built up great with the second coat.  No topcoat used.  

Zoya Jace

Zoya Jace

Zoya Jace

Zoya Jace

Nana is another one of my favorites from the collection, because it's pink of course!  This color is reminiscent of fragrant, tropical flowers.  Oh how I wish I was still in Hawaii.  Nana was super creamy and super opaque.  Look at the gorgeous shine!  I used 2 coats of Nana and no topcoat.  

Zoya Nana

Zoya Nana

Zoya Nana

Zoya Nana

And now we have Cecilia.  I'll admit I had heard the rumors of the stainers and that also played a factor in my procrastination in swatching these.  Sadly I have to report that Cecilia is indeed a stainer.  The skin around your fingers will surely take the brunt of the staining upon removal.  Maybe use a peel off base coat to avoid that?  Cecilia is a creamy teal.  Aside from the satining the formula and application were very nice - right on par with all the others in this collection.  I used 2 coats and no topcoat.  

Zoya Cecilia

Zoya Cecilia

Zoya Cecilia

Zoya Cecilia

Demetria is my jam.  I love this color.  It's like a blood-orange creme.  PERFECT!  You can ever so slightly see my nail line with this polish so it might be a bit thinner than the others but the formula and appreciation were both the same as all the others.  I used 2 coats of Demetria and no topcoat.    

Zoya Demetria

Zoya Demetria

Zoya Demetria

Zoya Demetria

And here's Talia.  This is a full coverage turquoise (that looks blue in my pictures.  I saved Talia for last.  Not because I disliked the color but because it was an even worse stainer than Cecilia.  Sad panda.  My nails looked pretty bad after I took this off.  I can only hope that a peel off base will keep from any staining, but my nails and skin were blue tinted for a day after, even after a buff and a scrub.  Regardless of the staining, the formula was creamy and opaque.  I used 2 coats of Talia and no topcoat.  

Zoya Talia

Zoya Talia

Zoya Talia

Zoya Talia

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