
Friday, April 7, 2017

Born Pretty Gigantic Clear Jelly Rectangle Stamper

Howdy howdy!  I'm back home from vacation, so sad.  But happy to have a few days to rest up before it's back to school and 24-7 taxi mom life.  You know you're jelly.  Haha.  But really, speaking of jelly, I'm online today to share a mega huge jelly stamper with you!  I got this Gigantic Clear Jelly Rectangle Stamper from Born Pretty.  You can pick one up too for $7.99.  Don't forget you can save 10% using my code JTOW10.  Ok let's jumping in and see what this big 'ol jelly stamper is all about.  

*press sample*

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Alright so this Gigantic Stamper is roughly 2" by 5".  It's clear, squishy and sticky.

Here you can see the thickness.  It's about half an inch wide.  

It's nice that the stamper and the plastic holder are both clear so you can see exactly where you are placing the same and what images you are picking up. 

As you can see from these two pictures, I can easily pick up 4 XL images from a plate with one go.  I could pick up the entire plate if I lined the stamper up with the plate.  But I found that a bit more challenging to do so I'll start small.  I had to try out several stamping polishes and plates until I found a combo that worked with this stamper.  It could be that I'm not used to the jelly stamper.  I typically use a white, squishy one but it's slightly more firm the this.  

4 images on one stamp, made for a super quick mani!  I love the idea behind these giant stampers!  But there is definitely a learning curve.  I'm still working on it but hopefully I'll be a pro soon enough!  

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