
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Lollipop Posse Lacquer: September Year of Tarot - Death & September Single Pour LE - Fallen Woman in Dancing Costume

Guess what, I am not at a soccer game or soccer practice.  I'm at a volleyball game, HA!  I'm back with a couple Lollipops that I didn't share with my last post because I felt they deserved their own!  First off we have the newest addition to the Year of Tarot, Death.  Then there's the September Single Pour LE, Fallen Woman in Dancing Costume.  My understanding is that these will both be limited in supply, due to bottle issues.  so they may go into a pre-order if they sell out right away.  And of course the Single Pour is just that and when it's gone it's gone.  Both will be available this Friday 9/21 at 8pm EDT.  They will be $12 and $10. So you ready to jump in and check them out?  Let's do it!

*press sample*

Lollipop Posse Lacquer: ShopFacebook, Lollipop's Posse FB Fan GroupInstagram

Stargins off with the September Year of Tarot, this is Death.  I admittedly know nothing about Tarot cards or Tarot reading, but I always felt Death was a bad card.  Surprisingly it's not.  It can be one of the most positive cards in the deck!  It can symbolize ending a chapter in your life and starting a new one.  Death is a blue based multichrome that shifts to green and purple.  I see a lot of teal with the blending of the blue and green shades.  Silver holo micro shreds and holo glitters and pigment round out the look  Formula and application were both great, no problems with either.  I used 3 thin coats and finished with topcoat.  Death will be $12.



Fallen Woman in Dancing Costume is the September Single Pour LE.  I've seen these go in the blink of an ye so if you are a collector or just love the shade I suggest you don't wait around too long!  This was inspired to lyrics in a specific PJ Harvey song.  It's a dusty red full of golden-bronze shimmer and holo pigment.  You'll also see just a touch of purple shimmer in there.  Really nice color, great for the Autumn and Winter months.  Overall just a great shade for any red lover.  Formula and application were both lovely.  Smooth and opaque.  I used 2 coats for this one and finished with topcoat.  Fallen Woman in Dancing Costume will be $10.  



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