
Saturday, March 30, 2019

Fit Snack Box: March 2019

I have another late night post tonight.  But it's full of snacks!  Are you a late night snacker, like me?  Do you need a quick bite before or after a workout, like me? Or maybe something hold you over between meals, like me? Clearly I have a snacking problem but when I get my Fit Snack box I know that my choices will be healthy, filling and tasty!  The March box is packed full of tasty treats that you are sure to enjoy as much as I did.  I did catch wind that this box is already sold out, but starting in April I will have sneak peaks to share with you before my actual review to help you make purchasing decisions.  And don't forget you can save 30% off your first box using my link HERE.  Ok, let's get to it! 

*press sample*

Fit Snack Box: WebsiteFacebookInstagramTwitter 

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Dreamland Lacquer; Spring 2019 Collection

Evening lovelies!  Just wanted to pop on, even though it's a little on the late end for you East Coasters.  I have some gorgeous new (and updated) Dreamlands for you to drool over and I figured I'd split them up in to 2 posts - but since they come out on the 30th I better get them both shared ASAP! Alright so thesis the Spring 2019 collection.  It is all that and a box of Peeps (which I love - mmm crunchy marshmallow goodness).  So this 4-piece collection of aurora pigment crellies will be for sale 3/30 at 2pm Central for 48 hours.  They will be $40 for the set or $10.50 each.  Turn around time will be about 3 weeks.  When these are restocked they will go up to $11 each.  I don't want to waste any precious time gabbing because I want you to SEE these!  But before we jump in let me warn you that this post is picture heavy, enjoy! Let's go!

 *press sample*

Dreamland Lacquer: ShopFacebookFan GroupInstagram

Friday, March 22, 2019

Fit Snack Box: February 2019

Woot woot, it's Friday!  You have big plans for the weekend?  I have races, Girl Scouts events, a dance, birthday parties, soccer games, a sleepover and gymnastics all on the schedule.  Not going to be very relaxing but I do get bored when there's nothing to do. On the schedule for tonight is a blog post, ermagerd!  I feel like it's been ages since I've shared anything from Fit Snack - though it hasn't really been. But today I have the February box to share and the March box is in transit to me, yay!  
Ok so lots of crunchy stuff in this box and that's cool with me.  I did have to wait a little bit to try things out tho because of my wisdom teeth removal. As always, save 30% off your first box using my link HERE.  Let's jump in and check out the snacks!

*press sample*

Fit Snack Box: WebsiteFacebookInstagramTwitter 

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Alter Ego Group Customs; 4 Leaf Clover, Moonlit Waves & Mother of Pearl and Under Cover Whipped Butter 2.0

Afternoon y'all!  It's another rainy day here in the Bay Area.  A lot of people are complaining about this atmospheric river but I don't mind it at all.  We need the rain, I can stay inside almost all day and it's way better than snow. Plus gives me a chance to sit and blog.  Today I have 4 items to show you, all from Alter Ego.  3 group custom polishes and a hand/body cream.  Let me alert you right away that 2 of these won't be available after today (3/7) so you will have to act fast if you want them.  The other polish is available all of March.  Let's jump in and I will give more details about each as I get to them!  And as always, save 20% using my code: My Nail Polish Obsession. 

*press sample*

Alter Ego: ShopFacebookFan GroupInstagram