
Friday, March 22, 2019

Fit Snack Box: February 2019

Woot woot, it's Friday!  You have big plans for the weekend?  I have races, Girl Scouts events, a dance, birthday parties, soccer games, a sleepover and gymnastics all on the schedule.  Not going to be very relaxing but I do get bored when there's nothing to do. On the schedule for tonight is a blog post, ermagerd!  I feel like it's been ages since I've shared anything from Fit Snack - though it hasn't really been. But today I have the February box to share and the March box is in transit to me, yay!  
Ok so lots of crunchy stuff in this box and that's cool with me.  I did have to wait a little bit to try things out tho because of my wisdom teeth removal. As always, save 30% off your first box using my link HERE.  Let's jump in and check out the snacks!

*press sample*

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Starting it off with one of my favorites!  Lesser Evil Buddha Bowl Foods in Himalayan Gold flavor.  This popcorn is YUM!  I get all the butter flavor with none of the coconut.  Nice touch of salt to cut the butter.  Overall I liked it so much that when I saw a big bad in Whole Foods today I bought it.  Check their site for more flavors!

Shrewd Food makes a Fit Snack comeback with Strawberries & Cream flavored Protein Crisps.  You get 12 grams pf protein per serving here!  I will admit the flavor had me nervous...these snacks are typically savory.  But guess what, it wasn't awful.  Lightly sweetened and strawberry-ish.  Not artificial sweetener after taste like I was expecting. 2 things, 1. I do think these should be called Protein Puffs and 2. Dear Shrewd Foods, please send me the cookies for review!  

Another returner from past boxes, Pasta Chips! I think Alfredo is a new flavor?  Truthfully I am not a huge fan of Alfredo so I wasn't sure what to expect.  Thankfully the flavor was light, not overwhelming.  I definitely got the creaminess but that was about it - no seasonings.  120 calories for a bag of snacks ain't bad!  

A new product!! I was so excited I opened it before I took pictures, oops.  Plotz! Honey Nutters is a delicious treat made with a few simple ingredients.  Peanuts, honey and peanut butter.  Yes, yes, yes. Very nutty, hint of honey and not overly sweet.  These are kinda crunchy, but not like eating chips.  The rest of this bag is definitely getting tossed in my backpack.  

Another returning brand, Foods Alive.  I got Globe Trekker Hit the Trail Mix, full go jungle nuts and goji berries.  I was kind of expecting a flavor explosion but it was pretty bland.  The saving grace were the crunchy cacao nibs.  So this one was a miss for me, it just needed something else to drawn in my taste buds. 

I don't believe I've tried IQ Bar before and I liked it! 6 grams of plant based protein only 4 grams of carbs AND it tastes good.  I liked the whole hazelnuts, they were delicious.  It was the perfect level of sweetness.My hubby liked it too and stole it from me. From the looks of the website they have updates the packaging and the ingredients because the labels the site say 10 grams of plant based protein.  Anyways, I'd eat this again. 

GoMacro Macro Bar is one I know for a fact I have tried before.  I was a bit timid to try this because it has those chewy coconut flakes that I dislike.  The almond butter flavor is good but the chocolate chips are flavorless and add nothing.  The coconut flakes are very displeasing to me. The bar itself is sticky and chewy.  I'm curious, what does Everlasting Joy taste like?   There are other flavors that sound much better to me - hello banana & almond butter!

Last but not least is my other favorite, PBfit peanut butter powder.  Yum.  This stuff has 12 grams of protein per serving (2 tablespoons).  I have been using this stuff for a good month or two now and I am a big fan.  I typically add the serving to my protein shakes (vanilla or chocolate) for an extra dose of flavor and protein.  It's really good.  So I tried it out as peanut butter this time.  So easy to just add water to the powder and mix it up in to delicious, creamy peanut butter.  I want to try the PBfit Plus, the protein shake powder.  I bet it's tasty!  

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  1. It must be fun to get a snack box! I’d have to hide the crunchy ones around the house not to eat them all at once

  2. I’m so curious to try the strawberry protein puffs. Lol everlasting joy tastes cream? Hahaha! I really would try all of these!

  3. These are all interesting and not filled with sugar. I'd want to try them all instantly.

  4. Well now I want a healthy snack!! These sound great.

  5. Whoa, the trail mix looks like it should be so good, and I am disappointed for you that it was so bland! I also need the Honey Nutters in my life!

  6. All of these snacks look really yummy! I wish I had some of those honey nutters right now!

  7. I tried a snacks box before from Vegan Cuts but eventually cancelled coz they keep repeating stuff. I don't know now. I like the trail mix, too bad it was bland

  8. I really need to snack smart so this may be the box for me! I love that the items are easy to buy afterwards in case you really like something!

  9. I love that you put the pictures of the nutritional information on there. We're trying to find some no-sodium snacks for the Hubs after his heart failure diagnosis and it's been rather difficult, even with "nutritional" snacks. I also love that you showed the PfitB made up because I've been wondering what it looks like once it's mixed together but I've been to lazy to look it up lol

  10. The protein crisps with strawberry sound neat! I'd try it!

  11. ooh I used to buy that Buddha Bowl popcorn! It's so good, almost like homemade.

  12. Plotz! Honey Nutters sound great
