Good morning readers! I have a post for you that was a long time in the works! I learned about Caption Polish at ComoProf North America when I went to the show in Las Vegas. I knew this brand wasn't going to be released until October AND because it is a gel-like polish I would need to wear test it so I didn't want to just slap it on and review it. I needed to find a time where I would actually be able to wear it without falling behind on other blogging commitments because it wouldn't be fair to you as the readers and buyers OR the brand to not give it at least a week worth of wear time to report back on. Well I finally had a window open up and that's just what I did! So let's jump on in and check out what Caption Polish is all about!
Caption Polish is currently available on their website and each bottle is $12.
*press sample*
Caption Polish is formulated with "LacQ3, a next generation multi-patented proprietary technology that delivers a flawless air cured gel-like manicure with unrivaled shine, superior durability and instant hassle-free removal. LacQ3 technology combines an innovative triple layer fusion of dual polymer technology, volcanic glass, shellac and plant derived plasticizers to create an advanced nail care system that is as durable as gel, dries three times faster to a touch dry finish without a UV of LED light and fortifies brittle nails over time. Ultra pigmented manicures stay chip free for up to nine days while nails grow stronger and healthier." Caption has a line up of 60 core colors, 18 top effects as well as base coat, topcoats and drying drops. You also do not need to soak off this polish. I used plain polish remover and it wipes right off.
Out of the 2 colors I was given to try, Look Don't Touch (black creme) and Um, Yes...Thank You! (copper shimmer). First I'll say that I thought Um, Yes...Thank You was a topper so I put on Look Don't Touch. It was a creamy and opaque black with a nice thick formula. It covered perfectly in one coat. But I didn't need a base color because Um, Yes...Thank You! was nice and opaque all on it's own. So sadly I don't have pictures of Look Don't Touch to share with you, but trust me when I say it was a really fantastic polish and with a nice slick and shiny look.
I started with the Base Coat with LacQ3. It was a great base coat, thick with great coverage and quick drying. Um, Yes...Thank You! is a beautiful rusty, copper shade with some red sparkle in it. It also had a nice thick formula, slightly thicker than the black, but not difficult to work with. I used 2 coats for complete coverage and finished with a layer of Top Coat with LacQ3. Again, really great high quality formula with a super shiny finish.
Now you'll have to excuse my wear test pictures because I was out of town on a vacation while I tried Caption Polish out for durability. I didn't have access to my bright lights or my polish bottle to pose with. But you'll still catch the drift of wearability with these photos. This is Um, Yes...Thank You! after 2 days of wear. Very slight tip wear - mainly shrinkage. No chips.
This is 3 days wear on Um, Yes...Thank You! Not much different from 2 days of wear. Only the tip wear still which looks to be more from shrinkage than anything else.
And here we have 5 days of wear on Um, Yes...Thank You! I will say that my thumb nail did end up with a chip but other than that the only wear I see is the shrinkage at the end of my nail and some grown under the cuticle. This wear test included all the things I normally do, cleaning up, bathing kids, hands in water frequently. I probably could have worn it for a few more days with not much more wear showing but being a nail blogger I change my polish every day and I will be honest, I was quite tired of looking at the same color for so long. So there you have it! Caption Polish is an awesome brand with great wear time! If you are in the market for a gel-like product that does not need a lamp to cure or a trip to the salon to remove then I highly recommend this for the top notch quality and thick, shiny formulas!

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