Evening dears! I had a race this morning, the Oktoberfest 5K Fun Run in a local park. I only walked, except for the last 50 feet or so that we ran together across the finish line. When I say we I mean me and my daughter. We had another mom and daughter join us and it was a really fun time. But I think that will be my last pregnant race, 7 races ain't bad! Finished off the morning at the Oktoberfest festival and overall I ended up with over 5 miles walked! Now I'm realizing in a camping chair waiting for my middle little's soccer game to start. I figured I'd bring the trusty ol'
laptop with me to do some blogging and that's just what I'm doing now! Ok so I've been sharing Fall colors from different brands and I have half of the Zoya Element Collection to show you. I split it up into 2 parts because with how tired I am lately, swatching 12 polishes in a row is really exhausting. So this is Part 1 with Part 2 to follow shortly. The Element Collection is currently available and you can pick up these shades for $10 each or it's split in to 2 samplers of 6 pre-selected polishes for $60/set. Now that you have that info let's jump in and see some pics.
*press sample*
Guys, I have to preface this before I jump in to the nitty gritty. I wanted so much more for this collection. It was not my cup of tea and the colors were pretty uninspired. It was literally an entire collection of shades of pink and purple. I don't mind a pink or two in an Autumn collection but I don't picture it to be the entire collection. So with that said, let's go ahead and start with the first 6 I tried out - mostly the purples.
Up first is Rumor. This is described as shimmery mauve. The shimmer is so heavy I wold actually classify it as a frosty mauve. You know that means that brush strokes will be an issue and as you can see from my swatch, they were noticeable. While I didn't care for the color or finish, the formula is nice and it only took 2 coats. No topcoat.
Donnie is a pretty color, not unique, but pretty. It's official description is a purple toned sangria. My "before I read the official description" opinion was a berry creme. So that's close enough. I had no problems with formula or application. Only needed 2 coats for full coverage. No topcoat used.
Maeve is described as a "concord grape creme." Well my description matches is perfectly as I wrote down that it was a grape-y creme. I am so technical with my terminology, don't you think? Again, beautiful color but nothing I haven't seen before. But if you want a stellar formula then go with Zoya! Perfect coverage in 2 coats. No topcoat.
And this is Leighton. It's a blackened purple, eggplant type of color. One that I totally love in the Fall and Winter. Total beauty. If you love a good vampy shade then this one is for you. Formula and application were both fabulous. 2 coats and no topcoat.
Devin is a medium purple with heavy gold and rainbow shimmer. It's a foil finish, not my top choice. After looking at the official description it says that this is actually a "steel blue", not how it reads on my at all. I did see some brush strokes due to the finish. If you love this one try sponging on the last coat to minimize the strokes. I used 3 coats here and no topcoat.
As you can see from the macro it could have used a 4th coat just to get even more color density and coverage.
And the last one I have to show you today is Gardner. Again, I see this as a darker shade or purple, bordering on the blurple, but in the descriptions claims it's a periwinkle. I can agree on the reddish-magenta shimmer though. Sadly this polish had a pretty bad formula. It was thick and created what looks like ridges as it built up on itself. You can clearly see what I'm talking about in the picture. I used 3 thin coats and no topcoat.
You can see here the even with the 3 coats it is still uneven at the top of my nail. I don't think I need to reiterate my overall impression with the first part of the collection that I've reviewed here.

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