Good evening! Hoe's your Thursday? Mine has been pretty uneventful thus far, but I've pretty much laying low at my house all day. My chest is actually aching and it's making it hard (or at least uncomfortable) for me to breathe easily. Not sure if I'm fighting something or if I over used my upper back/shoulder muscles at the gym last night and now they're sore. So my aches and pains re a mystery to me...much like space! The actual theme for the April PPU is Across the Universe: Planets and Galaxies. I have a few polishes to share with you this month so let's start this party off with Alter Ego's Altarf aka Beta Cancri. You'll be able to purchase Altarf aka Beta Cancri from 4/6 - 4/9 for $7.50. Set your alarms because you don't want to miss out on this month! Let's jump in and check out the polish!
*press sample*
Altarf aka Beta Cancri is a fantastically vibrant yellow orange shimmer with red flakes. Wow, just wow! This polish is super fun and super pretty! I do not have anything like it in my collection. It's going to be such a fun color to wear in the Summer! Formula was creamy and opaque, application was terrific. I used 2 coats for full coverage and topcoat to finish.

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