Good evening! Hope your day was well and you are resting, or if you are on the East Coast you are asleep and in that case you can read this in the morning! It'll be just as lovely no matter what time of day you read the post. Tonight I bring you Serum No 5, a brand that's been around for a while and this is my first time trying it! I am very happy to have had the opportunity to meet Victoria, the maker behind Serum No 5, in person 2 times now. She's honestly one of the sweetest gals I've ever met and totally adorable to boot. So she is celebrating Serum's 2 year birthday and tomorrow (7/24) she is releasing this amazing polish to mark the occasion! So be ready to snag this special beauty tomorrow (7/24) at 12pm PST!
Another Year, Let's Cheer! is the absolutely perfect polish to celebrate Serum's 2 year anniversary! Victoria explained to me that it was created with the brands colors in mind...peach, black, grey, white and light blue. It's a very pretty mixture of glitters with a touch of holo shimmer all suspended inside a sheer grey base. I had initially tried Another Year, Let's Cheer! on it's own and while it will build up alone, you will need 3 thick coats. So I decided to try it over a base color and used Dior Gris Trianon, a very light taupey grey creme. I love Another Year, Let's Cheer! over this base color. It looks so very much like gorgeous granite but still very feminine. Layered over a base color I only needed 1 coat of Another Year, Let's Cheer!. The formula and application were both fabulous. I had plenty of glitter come out and it spread well on my nails. I finished with 1 layer of topcoat.
Of course Another Year, Let's Cheer! is a glow in the dark polish. How could it not be with Serum No 5 being the glow in the dark queen?! Now I may have used too dark of a base color, but I had a hard time getting good glow pictures of Another Year, Let's Cheer!. Trust me when I say that this baby really glows brightly and for a good length of time. So while my picture fails to show the true awesomeness you can check out Ehmkay Nails post because her glow in the dark pictures really rocked!

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