Hullo out there! Happy hump day! My morning wasn't the greatest, and I have 2 sick kids dealing with nasty coughs right now. But you know what...I heard Ice Cube Today Was A Good Day on the radio AGAIN today!! I think it's a sign that I am indeed having a good week! And really, minus cranky, sick kids I can't complain. And right now I have a totally awesome polish to share with you that was created for the Villain themed October Polish Pickup. Stella Chroma was inspired by Big Worm from Friday (best movie EVER!). He just wants his money or his stash back, can you really fault him for that? This polish is Playing With My Emotions, Smokey! and it will be available from 10/5 - 10/8 for $12, no cap. Alright, let's check it out, shall we?
*press sample*
And yes, this color plus sunlight gives me lobster-y hands but what are you gonna do? I still love the polish, hard!
I also noticed in certain lighting the shimmer shifts to a pinkish! You can see the green shimmer on the top photo and the pink shimmer on the bottom. So fun!

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